Automotive Technologies

Improving Automotive Design by Reducing Weight and Improving the Passenger Experience

Set a new standard for premium design

Open up the design possibilities with new combinations of materials and processing.
Futuristic car with advanced electronics

Electrification and autonomous driving, energy savings, and evolving occupant expectations are challenging designers to rethink technology utilization and integration. To get to more features, with less weight, while still conveying high-end design and maintaining safety, new materials and processes are the answer. Yet, manufacturing limitations are in the way.

PulseForge Digital Thermal Processing™ removes the constraints of material and process compatibility. Designers can set new standards of premium excellence, and manufacturers can have the confidence to make those designs come to life. PulseForge tools do this while also enabling sustainable design and manufacturing using recycled/recyclable materials and a dramatic reduction in energy usage, as much as 85% less energy than conventional manufacturing.

Automotive Technologies - Modern smart car interface

Design and build better products, while saving the planet.

Let us show you how we can expand the way you think about design and manufacturing, and make your wildest concepts come to life.


Highly configurable for academic budgets and advanced R&D.


Powerful and configurable, the In-Line solution erases limitations.


Deploy as an integrated solution into your manufacturing environment.