PulseForge Blog Articles

Throughput Savings with Photonic Soldering
We will explore how the lightning-fast cycle time of PulseForge digital thermal processing enhances operational flexibility and reduces the real-world total cost of ownership of reflow soldering equipment.

Exploring Energy Savings with Photonic Soldering
Photonic soldering is a fundamentally efficient process, using only a fraction of the energy consumed by traditional methods for component attachment. Compared to a convection oven, for example, it consumes about 85% less energy.

Photonic Soldering — New Applications and Materials Innovation
Photonic soldering technology from PulseForge makes it possible to assemble temperature-sensitive components with a wide range of solder alloys. With low-temperature materials back on the table, there are more possibilities than ever for exciting new products and substantial improvements to existing designs.

What is PulseForge Soldering, and Why Use it?
Choosing the appropriate technologies for your electronics assembly line is essential. And from board design to product reliability to the production capacity, the reflow step is a critical part of that choice.

Benchmarking Flashlamp Output
There is a speed limit to a human’s light detection abilities. If something happens faster than approximately 60 Hz, our brains will tie those episodes together and treat them as one longer event. This phenomenon is used ubiquitously by the motion picture industry to create perception of movement from still

Benefits of photonic soldering production in a roll-to-roll format
Production form factor is a strong determinant of the product produced and cost per unit. Currently, majority of electronics are produced in a semi-batch sheet-to-sheet (S2S) process flow. In this mode, each board is fed through individual steps in sequence. However, in such a format, the size of the board