Blog Articles

Benchmarking Flashlamp Output - Kid with and idea

Benchmarking Flashlamp Output

There is a speed limit to a human’s light detection abilities. If something happens faster than approximately 60 Hz, our brains will tie those episodes together and treat them as one longer event. This phenomenon is used ubiquitously by the motion picture industry to create perception of movement from still frames of action. Small changes from frame to frame enable our eyes and brain to fill in the blanks and create a moving image.

Benchmarking Flashlamp Output Read More »

Soldering Production - LED's on temperature sensitive substrate

Benefits of photonic soldering production in a roll-to-roll format

Production form factor is a strong determinant of the product produced and cost per unit. Currently, majority of electronics are produced in a semi-batch sheet-to-sheet (S2S) process flow. In this mode, each board is fed through individual steps in sequence. However, in such a format, the size of the board is limited, the substrate would need to be dimensionally stable and the unit costs would be high. Consider the case of building an illuminated wall. In a S2S format, the illuminated wall will need to be in smaller pieces stitched together, the wall will be built on a rigid substrate, and has been cost prohibitive because of manufacturing and instillation costs.

What if the illuminated wall could be built like old fashion wall paper?

Benefits of photonic soldering production in a roll-to-roll format Read More »

Soldering LEDs on a curved surface

PulseForge does more – like soldering on curved surfaces!

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn We’ve talked about the various ways photonic soldering simplifies the soldering process, like how the PulseForge can be thought of like a grill. Here, I’m sharing an example of how photonic soldering can help engineers overcome design limitations they face when creating new devices for the 3D world around us, while traditional electronics designs have

PulseForge does more – like soldering on curved surfaces! Read More »